AT&T U-Verse Channel Guide | Western USA


A print friendly channel lineup of ALL available channels for AT&T U-Verse customers in western USA (except local channels #2 through 70).   This well organized document is 10 pages long with 687 channels (235 are HD).  High-res TV station logos and color coding make it easy to find channels.  The PDF is also search-friendly.  THOUGHTFUL GIFT!  Updated Feb. 1, 2021.


AT&T U-Verse Channel Lineup | Western USA.  Feb. 2021.

AT&T TV channel guide for customers in American west:

  • Printable 10-page PDF file to download and use at home
  • Organized by channel number
  • 687 channels in this complete version, of which, 235 are HD
  • This version does not include local stations (Chs. 2-70)
  • Covers all TV stations available with the various bundles offered by AT&T, including Ultimate, Premiere and Choice
  • Large font size makes it easy to read without glasses
  • Color coded by genre and crisp, high-resolution station logos make it easy to find channels
  • Search friendly too (i.e. use your PDF Viewer’s “Find” or “Search” field)
  • Helpful hints and even some life saving advice on the back page


See what you pay for! This guide makes it easy to see ALL TV stations available for AT&T U-Verse.  Nothing is worse than paying for a channel you never knew you had!

We are not affiliated in any way with AT&T, U-verse or affiliates.  Fees help cover costs of running this dedicated website.  

Contact us for any special requests (custom-made guides)!

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Printable TV Channel Guides


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